Kent wedding fairs

An events calendar of Kent wedding fairs, bridal shows & exhibitions.

Due to Coronavirus, events in the near future may have been cancelled. We are removing events as we are notified of their cancellation, but please contact event organisers for further information before attending any forthcoming event.

Check with organisers for confirmation as events are liable to change or late cancellation
Events for specific:
DateEventLocalityEvent Type
27 October 2024 The Kent Wedding Show, Detling Showground
The Kent Event Centre

Maidstone Wedding Fair

Send us details of bridal fayres in Kent

If you stage Kent bridal shows, fayres or exhibitions please Add Your Event

Bridal events near Kent:

Make your wedding day entrance truly unforgettable with a London White Cab wedding car. These iconic vehicles add a touch of timeless elegance and quintessentially British charm to any wedding celebration.

If your wedding bells are chiming in the enchanting county of Kent, consider adding a touch of regal charm to your celebration with a captivating Kent Castles Tour. Embark on a journey through time, exploring the grandeur and rich history of Kent's magnificent castles, from the medieval splendor of Hever Castle, once the childhood home of Anne Boleyn, to the impressive moat-encircled Leeds Castle, a former royal residence.